Baby Songs - Baby's Busy Day

Featuring the Songs of Hap Palmer
It’s a bright new world of sights and sounds with these delightful songs
written and sung by Hap Palmer. Infants and toddlers will be captivated
by these happy songs that celebrate the joys of a child's everyday world
and delight in silly fun and the wonder of life. Great music videos
feature live action shots of toddlers getting up, eating, dressing, and
doing everyone’s favorite activity . . . playing!
DVD includes the following bonus features: Hap Palmer featurette,
printable coloring pages, song lyrics and continuous play for each song
and for the entire program. This DVD runs 50 minutes.
Ages 1-6.
Product Number: DVD HP864
Some viewers may remember this set of 10 kid music videos as Even More
Baby Songs. The title may have changed, but the whimsically catchy songs
from noted children's songsmith Hap Palmer remain. From "Getting Up Time"
(farm animals and baby awake making their natural noises, and preschoolers
imitate their cries.) to "Goodnight Story Time" (an ode to such storybook
favorites as Goodnight Moon and Where the Wild Things Are), the half-hour
tape follows the day of a young child. "I Can Put My Clothes On by Myself" is
a celebration of the fashion mistakes that can occur when youthful
independence is encouraged, while "Finger Foods" is a how-not-to of high-
chair etiquette. The most rousing song, "What a Miracle," is a grand sing-along
on a farm, with Hap himself at the guitar and an audience of parents and
children who act out the lyrics. This video won't change your family's life, but it
may inspire a round of intergenerational hide-'n'-go-seek or convince parents
to let the kids and the dog take a bath (outside) together. And these are good
things. -- Kimberly Heinrichs
From Parents' Choice
Infants and toddlers are fascinated with each other. Using this winning formula,
Hap Palmer once again provides happy songs and happy children making
their way through a typical day of eating, dressing, and a variety of playing
activities. No one gets the "Wash Rag Blues" in this age-appropriate video.
-- Parents' Choice Gold Award