This is a richly produced collection of original instrumental music written
especially for movement exploration and creative movement activities.
Top studio musicians play a variety of tempos, moods, and styles including
rock, ballad, bossa nova, Dixieland, waltz, blues and jazz.
Students move, explore, and create, to the sounds of real instruments
including piano, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, guitar, banjo, electric
sitar, drums, percussion, bass, violin and cello.
The activities in this guide are suggestions. Please feel free to vary and
adapt the ideas and to create new ways of using the songs to fit your home
and school situation.
1. Funky Penguin
2. Midnight Moon
3. Tipsy
4. Far East Blues
5. Gentle Sea
6. Jamaican Holiday
7. Enter Sunlight
8. Haunted House
9. Movin'
10. Twilight
11. Pause
In the activities that follow, the teacher presents a series of questions and
directions that invite children to discover the different ways they can
move. Songs are suggested for the various activities but feel free to
experiment and try other songs as well.
The activities are divided into the following categories:
Fundamental Movements
Mood and Feeling
Follow The Leader
Sticks, Balls, and Streamers
Mirroring and Sculpturing
What follows are just some of the possibilities for which this music can be
used. Hopefully these songs will encourage you to create your own
activities. Let your imagination run wild!
Fundamental Movements
Can you make one shoulder bounce?
Can you make your other shoulder bounce?
Now make both shoulders bounce.
Make your head bounce.
Can you bounce from your knees?
Can you balance on one leg and bounce?
Try it on your other leg.
Make your feet bounce.
Can you find another part of your body your could bounce?
Who can make 3 parts bounce at the same time?
Now make your whole body bounce!
Music: Tipsy (Song 3)
Twist your whole body slowly to the right and hold.
Twist your whole body slowly to the left and hold.
Twist just your arm one way for 2 beats then the other way for 2 beats.
Try it with your other arm.
Twist both arms.
Twist one leg. . . the other leg . . . both legs.
Find another part of your body you can twist.
(Examples: neck, wrists, ankles, spine)
Twist from your waist.
Twist one arm and one leg.
Twist the other arm and leg.
Twist any part you want.
Can you twist 3 different parts at the same time?
Push and pull with your arms in rhythm with the music.
Pretend you are pushing and pulling something very heavy.
Can you push and pull with other parts of your body?
(Examples: feet, head, elbows, shoulders etc.)
Music: Far East Blues (Song 4)
Name a part of your body that you could bend and unbend.
(Examples: arms, legs, neck, spine, fingers, wrist, ankle etc.)
Choose a part of your body that you can bend and unbend in rhythm with the music.
When you hear the bell find another part that you can bend and unbend with the music. (Teacher rings bell or triangle)
Find two parts that you can bend and unbend.
Think of other motions you could do with the music.
(Examples: shake, swing, pound, stamp, clap, rise, fall etc.)
Music: Use Any Song
Walk around the room in rhythm with the music.
When the music stops freeze.
Can you think of another way you could move
around the room?
(Examples: jump, hop, skip gallop)
Can you walk backwards with out bumping into anyone?
Can you move in a circular path?
Now try moving in straight lines with sharp turns.
(Note: Each time the music stops the children stop moving
and listen for another direction or question.)
Music: Pause (Song 11)
Mood and Feeling
The teacher plays small segments of many different songs and asks the
class one or more of the following questions:
What does the music make you think of?
How does the music make you feel?
Does it make you feel happy or sad?
Does it make you feel energetic or peaceful and relaxed?
Show me in movement how the music makes you feel.
What could you pretend to be with this music?
(Examples: a tree in the wind, a bunny hoping, the sun slowly rising)
What activity could you pretend to do?
(Examples: swim, run, bounce a ball, jump on a trampoline, swing on a swing,
ride a bike, row a boat)
Can you move in a way that is in opposition to the mood and feeling of the music?
For example, try moving quickly with slow music or slowly with fast music.
Music: Small segments of many different songs
A song may suggest a simple story that can be acted out. Here are two ideas for the song "Haunted House." This song has 3 distinct parts.
Story 1: A Night in a Haunted House
Part I Pizzicato, Crisp – Imagine you are in a dark and haunted house.
Cautiously, and quietly tiptoe around without making any noise.
Part II Flowing – Ghosts enter gliding and floating mysteriously through the house
Part III Vigorous, Heavy – Scary goblins and giant monsters stamp and crash around the house with strong, bold motions. They scare everybody away.
The children can play all three parts or the class can be divided into three groups.
Story 2: Chickens In The Barnyard
Part I Pizzicato, Crisp – Chickens are walking around the barnyard.
Part II Flowing – Chickens are sleeping
Part III Vigorous, Heavy – A wolf sneaks into the cage
and runs about trying to catch the chickens. This can
become a game of tag. Each time the wolf touches a chicken the chicken must freeze and sit down.
Music: Haunted House (Song 8)
Activity: Funky Penguin Dance.
Turn out from the hips and bounce up and down. (4 bar intro)
Keeping the same turnout, walk like a penguin. As you walk, flap your arms
like the wings on a penguin. (8 bars)
Move your arms in a flowing way and swim like a penguin. (8 bars)
Free dance and find all the ways you can move. Flap your wings, jump, spin,
swing your wings up and down and side to side etc. (8 bars)
Repeat Swimming. (8 bars)
Flap your wings and walk until the music fades.
Music: Funky Penguin (Song 1)
Activity: Flying Birds
In an open space have children explore smooth and
flowing motions using the image of a bird in flight.
Add variety by encouraging children to:
- Move at different levels (high, low, medium, higher, lower)
- Change speeds (slow, fast, slower, faster, medium)
- Move in a variety of pathways (circle, oval, figure 8)
Music: Midnight Moon (Song 2), Gentle Sea (Song 5), Enter Sunlight (Song 7), Twilight (Song 10)
Activity: Animals Move and Freeze
Let's name all the animals we can think of.
(Examples: horse, rabbit, snake, turtle etc.)
What is your favorite animal?
When you hear the music, move like your favorite animal.
When the music stops, freeze.
Each time the music stops, choose a different animal you would like to be.
When the music starts, move like that animal.
Music: Pause (song 11)
Follow The Leader
Activity: Leader in the Front
The leader stands in front of the group and creates rhythmic movements that go with the music. These can be combinations of:
- Fundamental Movements
- Motions Based on the Mood and Feeling of the Music
- Animal Motions
- Dance Steps
- Fitness Exercises
Music: Any Song
Activity: Creative Circles
The teacher gives the following directions to the class:
Form yourselves into groups of 5 to 9.
One person stands in the center of each circle.
The person in the center is free to create any kind of rhythmic movements.
Make it something simple and repetitive that people can easily follow.
When you feel finished with the role of leader point to someone else in the circle and that person becomes the new leader.
The people around the circle try to follow the leader.
The movements can be vigorous (jumping, hopping, etc.) or small (wiggle finger,
nod head, etc.)
Music: Tipsy (song 3) Jamaican Holiday (song 6)
Activity: Creative Circles – Slow Motion
This time we're going to move in slow motion.
Concentrate on moving very slowly and quietly.
You don't have to do a pattern that repeats itself; you can flow from one
movement to another. Once again, when you are finished being the leader
point to someone else in the circle and that person becomes the new leader.
Music: Midnight Moon (Song 2), Gentle Sea (Song 5),
Enter Sunlight (Song 7), Twilight (Song 10)
Sticks, Balls, and Streamers
Activity: Stick Dance
The participants start seated in a circle.
One person stands inside the circle and creates a dance using a 2' to 3' long
stick or wand.
When the person is ready to stop, she or he hands the stick to someone else sitting around the circle and trades places with that person.
The people sitting around the circle can create rhythms with their bodies (clap, snap, pat, sway bounce etc.) or rhythms with instruments.
The following suggestions will give the participants some ideas of things they
can do with the stick:
Hold the stick above your head.
Wave it around in a circle.
Hold it below your knees.
Lay the stick on the floor and jump over it.
Jump backwards over the stick.
Touch your right foot with the stick (left foot, right knee, etc.)
Hold the stick with both hands and step over it.
Balance the stick on one hand and walk in a circle.
Drop the stick on its end and let it bounce, and catch it while it is still in the air.
Bounce from your knees in rhythm with the music while holding the stick
above your head.
Tap your feet and the stick on the floor at the same time.
Jump back and forth over the stick in rhythm with the music.
Music: Far East Blues (Song 4) Jamaican Holiday (Song 6)
Activity: Rhythm Sticks
Play your sticks when you hear the music
and freeze when the music stops.
Tap the ends of your sticks on the floor.
Can you tap the other ends of your sticks on the floor?
Tap your sticks together.
Turn and face someone else and tap your partner's sticks.
Can you think of other things you could do with your sticks.
Find ways to move your whole body as you play your sticks.
Play and sway from side to side.
Play as you bend and straighten your knees.
Play your sticks when you hear the music and freeze when the music stops.
Combining some of the things we have done, can you and your partner create a sequence of patterns and motions you can do together?
(Note: Many of these activities can be done with other rhythm instruments such as a tambourine, woodblock, maracas, or hand drum.)
Music: Pause (Song 11), Far East Blues (Song 4) Jamaican Holiday (Song 6)
Activity: Ball Skills (Using 6" to 8" rubber balls, or yarn balls.)
Throw your ball up and catch it.
Can you throw and catch your ball using only one hand?
Throw your ball from one hand to the other.
Can you throw your ball up, clap your hands, and catch the ball?
Bounce the ball and catch it.
Bounce the ball with one hand and catch it with the other.
Bounce the ball, clap and then catch it.
Hold the ball between your knees.
Can you jump while holding the ball between your knees?
What else could you do with your ball?
What could you do with your ball while marching with the music?
Music: Tipsy (Song 3), Jamaican Holiday (Song 6), Gentle Sea (Song 5),
Funky Penguin (Song 1)
Activity: Streamers (5' to 10' lengths of crepe paper)
Moving in your own space, make your streamer fly high and low.
What kind of shapes does the streamer make as you move from high to low
and low to high?
Run in a circle as you wave your streamer.
Spin around as you hold your streamer.
Run and leap as you hold your streamer high in the air.
Can you draw a circle in the air with your streamer?
What other shapes can you make?
Move your streamer close to you then far from you.
Create a sequence of movements you can do with your streamer.
Music: Midnight Moon (Song 2), Gentle Sea (Song 5), Enter Sunlight (Song 7), Twilight (Song 10)
Mirroring and Sculpturing
Activity: Mirroring
Divide the group into partners. The participants face each other and work
in pairs. One person is the mover and one is the mirror. The mover creates
slow broad movements. The mirror reflects the movements of the mover.
Activity: Delayed Reaction Mirroring.
The mover creates a movement phrase then freezes.
The mirror watches then recalls and reflects the phrase.
The mirror can also do the opposite or a continuation of the phrase created
by the mover.
As participants become familiar with the songs, the movement phrases can be coordinated with the musical phrases.
Music: Midnight Moon (Song 2), Gentle Sea (Song 5), Enter Sunlight (Song 7), Twilight (Song 10)
Activity: Sculpturing
One partner is the artist, the other the clay. The teacher rings a bell as a signal for the artist to move one part of the clay any direction. The clay retains each position.
Between each melodic phrase in the music the teacher rings the bell again and the artist moves a part of the clay. For example:
- Lift one leg up
- Tilt the head forward
- Bend one arm
Partners can trade rolls half way through the song. At the end of the song the
clay freezes and the artist sits down so all can observe the various statues the artists
have created.
Music: Movin' (Song 9)
Piano, Clavinette, Electric Piano, Clarinet, Flute Jim Gordon
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Electric Sitar, Banjo Ben Benay
Drums, Percussion John Raines
Acoustic Guitar Hap Palmer
Engineer Tom Perry
Strings and horns arranged by Jim Gordon
All Songs by Hap Palmer
©Hap-Pal Music
Recording produced by Hap Palmer for Educational Activities
Production ©1973, LP released 1973, CD released 2001
All songs published by Hap-Pal Music. ©Hap-Pal Music all rights reserved. No part of these lyrics or activities may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission from the publisher.
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